The most commonly used grill for barbecue cooking is charcoal grill. A lot of people choose this type of cooking because of its un-identical smoky flavor and taste. Grills come in various designs and styles depending on the type of cooking you intend to do. For charcoal grilled chicken, it uses indirect cooking and needs to hold heat for a longer period of time.  More advanced grills will definitely give the most excellent grilling experience and results.

When you grill chicken, choosing which cut of meat to cook is vital. Though you can grill bone-in chicken breasts, boneless tends to cook more evenly, as the bone absorbs heat. Cooking in gas grills gives a lot of ease since you have a choice to either grill indoors or outdoors, plus it also gives the ability to heat the grill much quickly with a minimum clean up. Charcoal grilling on the other hand, gives you the smoky flavor of an open fire which is hard to replicate with gas grilling.

Preparation is needed at least hours before you grill chicken. It is always best to marinate the meat overnight for best results. The marinating time serves to pack your meat with flavorful juices that will stick around once the meat’s off the grill. Steer clear of overly salty marinades when you grill chicken, as they tend to pull the moisture out of the meat, thus drying it out.

Charcoal-grilled chicken is a perfect summertime meal since it is light and versatile. However, when you grill chicken, you must keep cleanliness in mind. Clean any surfaces that uncooked meat came in contact with, as well as utensils. Also ensure that the meat is thoroughly cooked. If you are sure to take both of these precautions, you will more than likely avoid dangerous bacteria such as salmonella.

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